ALERT: Catalyst Converter Theft Is Rampant and Rising. Protect Your Catalyst Today!
When it comes to Catalyst Converts, We Dominate in Experience, Quality & Price! Unfortunately, catalytic converter theft is on the rise. So we needed to take precautions to give thieves a reason to keep looking for an easy target. Building a catalyst converter cage is an obstruction to criminals. They create a major barrier to entry. With the replacement cost of Catalyst Converters skyrocketing upwards of $2,700 each to replace, protecting your catalyst is needed now more than ever before.
The feeling of having something stolen from you is one that is unforgettable. If you have ever been a victim of a crime, you know that you are left with a dirty, gross feeling after having your personal space violated. The latest trend in car theft is stealing catalytic converters and selling them for their precious metals. The clear solution is to protect yourself from thieves, there is no better way than by installing a cage around your catalytic converter.
We take small steps to prevent theft. Most people lock their doors, roll up their windows, and don’t leave valuables in plain sight. These precautions stop most crimes. Criminals usually aren’t going to break out your windows unless you give them a reason to.
As catalytic converter theft rises, we need to take precautions to give thieves a reason to keep looking for an easy target. Building a catalytic converter cage is an obstruction to criminals. They create a major barrier to entry.
Many factors have contributed to the recent rise in catalytic converter theft. The number one reason is the increase in the price of the metals that make up the device. Most catalytic converters are made of platinum, palladium, and rhodium. These price per pound for these precious metals has skyrocketed in the past 5 years.
Another factor for a rise in crime is the homelessness crisis in America. In the past 10 years, our cities homeless population in the United States has risen to unprecedented levels. There are over half a million people living on the streets in America.
Colder temperatures can also increase the crime rate. Homeless people are driven into parking garages to stay warm where they may find an easy opportunity.
The pandemic and civil unrest are also factoring into the rise in crime throughout 2020. We are in unusual times; many people are desperate. This has always led to more theft.
Our Catalyst Converter Cages are designed to protect your vehicle from theft. Most thieves looking to steal a catalytic converter are drawn to two types of vehicles, hybrids and large SUVs or trucks.
Most thieves looking to steal a catalytic converter are drawn to two types of vehicles, hybrids and large SUVs or trucks.
Stealing the catalytic converter from a hybrid will most likely be more lucrative than a similar car that uses a traditional internal combustion engine. A hybrid car utilizes electricity, this creates less emissions. Catalytic converters are emission filers on the exhaust pipe. If the catalytic converter has less exhaust to filter the metal will be less eroded. Thieves who target hybrids will see higher returns because the metal is more valuable.
Bigger vehicles are more accessible. A thief can easily slide under a large truck or SUV and cut out the catalytic converter. This process can take less than a minute if the criminal is prepared.
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